Designer: Francesco Perego
Artigiano: Gaffuri Eligio e figli SNC
SLICED è un tavolo componibile completamente personalizzabile.
L’idea nasce dalla volontà di creare un tavolo con cui l’utente finale possa letteralmente interagire nella fase di costruzione e montaggio e creare un prodotto su misura. La struttura, formata da moduli in legno multistrato, è l’elemento caratterizzante e può essere composta a piacere dall’utente che sceglie quali elementi, tra i sei disponibili, comporranno il tavolo in base ad un’ idea estetica e/o funzionale ben precisa o sperimentando soluzioni innovative, diverse e ancora sconosciute.
Sono comunque previsti una serie di modelli base o delle configurazioni di partenza per facilitare l’approccio o dare la possibilità di acquistare un prodotto finito pronto per l’uso.
Il tavolo potrà sempre essere personalizzabile, l’utente potrà infatti cambiare configurazione, estetica e/o destinazione d’uso semplicemente aggiungendo, togliendo o sostituendo le SLICE, acquistate separatamente così da avere sempre la possibilità di creare altri modelli e aumentare le alternative possibili.
The SLICE can also be produced in multilayer laminate, thereby widening the choice with different colors and finishes and further increase the degree of customization. This system allows to create a structure different each time with the possibility to vary it in time both in size and in form, or finish, and above all, very importantly, allows for multiple uses, from the domestic one, with the ability to configure SLICED for use in the kitchen, in the dining room or as a coffee table up to the professional, as a desk or that commercial, to set up bars, restaurants and hotels, in shops, stores, exhibition spaces as a bench or table display.
The top is also customizable both as regards materials and finishes that as regards shapes and sizes, which can be realized as a function of the property or the intended use.
The user has the option to buy more top dimensions /different forms and / or according to SLICE which possesses, thus being able to create more tables, which differ not only in shape but also in size, also depending on the needs of the moment, scrambling all the same elements and with the ability to add or remove unnecessary at will.
This project was designed in relation to the new logic of the web and the possibilities that this medium offers compared to the sale of products made and designed in view of the customization and customized products.
Designer: Francesco Perego
Born and lives in Brianza. After graduating in applied art, design to address the industry and the environment got the State Art Institute of Monza in 2007, follows a professional degree from the IED in Milan in interior design.
Since 2010 he worked as a designer dealing with the design and development of products, furniture, interiors and installations, but also to art direction and brand identity. Develop and maintain a strong relationship with the laboratory environment, learning to use equipment and traditional and innovative techniques, learning to live in an experimental design.
The knowledge of the technical aspects of production and leads him to care of some aspects of engineering especially in the field of interior furnishing.
Thanks to the passion for experimentation, technology, manual labor and materials, began working diligently on issues of craft, self-production and digital fabrication.
The attention to people and the land, materials and shapes is what drives his creative thinking, without neglecting methods, techniques and production technologies.
Artigiano: Gaffuri Eligio e figli SNC
The company Gaffuri Eligio and F. snc, founded in 1950, has specialized since the beginning in the production of custom furniture.
The company was founded and developed over the years in Cantù, famous town in Brianza, in the most important area for the production of quality furniture in Italy.
Thanks to the deep knowledge of wood, always attentive to the choice of the best materials, the execution of the work in accordance with the “rules of art” accompanied by the introduction of new technologies, creates jobs with high quality standards, for private homes, yachts, shops and unique design
Via G. Mazzini 38/D 22063 Cantù(Co)
Tel 031/714413
Fax 031/716379